The scripting language used for Flash is ActionScript which is based on ECMAScript from which JavaScript is also derived. One can find excessive use of Adobe Flash
and ActionScript 3.0 in mobiles, desktops, smart phones, tablets,
televisions, laptops and digital pads. The following are the major
advantages of Flash.
1. Cross-browser compatibility
Flash is browser independent. It has no issues with cross browser compatibility.
Flash Programmer
need not worry about the HTML and CSS code being interpreted
differently in different browsers. As long as the Flash player plug-in
is installed on the user´s computer,
Flash content could be viewed without any issues.
2. Interactivity
Flash supports audio, animation, and
advanced video handling and interactivity. Flash is vector-based, but
allows incorporation of bitmaps.
Flash applications
can collect data, online games, feedback forms, photo slide show,
audio, movies, charts, shopping carts, and different web applications
that server-side scripts can do, thus making the website more
interactive and expressive.
ActionScript 3.0 is much more structured and object oriented compared to ActionScript 2.0.
Flash Developers
from other languages are likely to be comfortable with the stricter
type checking system, improved class inheritance system, better
debugging, and unified event handling in ActionScript 3.0. But for
developers who learned ActionScript 2.0, the transition to ActionScript
3.0 can be bit intimidating. Most of the code examples found that are
written in ActionScript 2.0 will not be compatible when written in
ActionScript 3.0.
A Flash Player includes two virtual
machines so that it can support ActionScript 3.0 as it evolves, while
still supporting legacy ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 1.0 content.
If a programmer already knows and is comfortable with programming games
in ActionScript 2.0, he/she can continue with it as Flash Player is
backwards compatible with the code. There are, however, many reasons why
one must take time to learn ActionScript 3.0. The primary motive is
performance. Game developers tend to push Flash Player performance to
the edge as they create amazing browser-based games. Flash can be used
to replace text elements on HTML Web pages with Flash equivalents. This
image replacement technique is called Scalable Inman Flash Replacement.
Code written in ActionScript 3.0 can run 10 times faster than
ActionScript 2.0 code. ActionScript 3.0 has introduced support for
hardware acceleration, which will only continue to improve performance
going forward.
Now let us compare the features of ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0
ActionScript 2.0 ActionScript 2.0 was introduced in September 2003 with the release of
Flash MX 2004 and along with its corresponding
play Flash
Player 7. ActionScript 2.0 was used for larger and more complex
applications. It featured compile-time type checking and class-based
syntax, such as the keywords class and extends. With ActionScript 2.0,
developers could constrain variables to a specific type by adding a type
annotation so that type mismatch errors could be found at compile-time.
ActionScript 2.0 also introduced class-based inheritance syntax so that
developers could create classes and interfaces, much as they would in
class-based languages such as Java and C++. This version confirmed
partially to the ECMAScript Fourth Edition draft specification.
ActionScript 3.0 In June 2006, ActionScript 3.0 was released along with
Adobe Flex
2.0 and its corresponding player, Flash Player 9. ActionScript 3.0 was a
fundamental restructuring of the language, that it uses an entirely
different virtual machine. Flash Player 9 contains two virtual machines,
AVM1 for code written in ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0, and AVM2 for content
written in ActionScript 3.0. Actionscript 3.0 added limited support for
hardware acceleration (DirectX, OpenGL).
The update to the language introduced several new features:
* Compile-time and run-time type checking and type information exists
at both compile-time and runtime.
* Improved performance from a
class-based inheritance system than that of the prototype-based
inheritance system.
* Support for packages, namespaces, and regular
* Compiles to an entirely new type of bytecode,
incompatible with ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0 bytecode.
* Revised Flash
Player API, organized into packages.
* Unified event handling system
based on the DOM event handling standard.
* Integration of ECMAScript
with XML (E4X) for purposes of XML processing.
* Direct access to the
Flash runtime display list for complete control of what gets displayed
at runtime.
* Limited support for dynamic 3D objects. (X, Y, Z
rotation, and texture mapping).
DCKAP is a Fremont, CA based
global technology services company delivering technology driven
business solutions that meet the strategic objectives of the clients.
Also For Free consultation and more informations on regarding
Flash Developers, Flash Actionscript Development and
Flash Programmers.