Tuesday, November 29, 2011

JRuby 1.6.5 Released

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.6.5.
The primary goal of the 1.6.x series is to round out our 1.9 support by fixing any reported incompatibilities. Of course, as with any JRuby release, we will continue fixing any found incompatibilities and also improve performance. All users of 1.6.4 (and lower) are encouraged to upgrade to 1.6.5.

Notable Changes:

  • Many –1.9 encoding issues resolved
  • .jrubyrc support for storing convenient execution options
  • New cext.enabled property to turn off only C extentions but not native support
  • C extension support now uses less memory
  • Updated to Rubygems 1.8.9
  • -rjruby/thread_dump adds a USR2 Ruby thread dumper
  • Improved peformance interacting directly with Java Maps
  • Improved fiber performance and support for JVM coroutines
  • Improved zlib support
  • 36 Issues resolved
Source: http://www.jruby.org

Friday, November 25, 2011

WordPress 3.3 Beta 4 Available Now

The march toward 3.3 continues!

With all our major tickets closed, we are very close to a release candidate. In Beta 4 we’ve fixed a bunch of bugs, cleaned up the UI, added real text in some of the screens that still had placeholder text in Beta 3 (post-update screen, the Dashboard welcome area, new feature pointers), and generally tightened things up. We updated to jQuery 1.7.1 and addressed a LOT of bugs.

If you are a plugin or theme developer (or distributor), please test against Beta 4 to ensure there are no issues.

If you find any problems, please report them as usual. Many thanks!

Thought 3 was the last?
Ha ha! Beta 4 is here –
Better get testing!

Download WordPress 3.3 Beta 4

For Free consultation on regarding Wordpress Expert, Wordpress Developer, Wordpress Development, Wordpress Programming log on to http://www.dckap.com
Source: http://wordpress.org

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pentaho has Business Rules Integration Built into it

Consider this: Often the solution to a business problem is a process that includes Business Intelligence. Therefore, the Business Intelligence, by itself, is not the solution to the problem. If Business Intelligence is part of the process, the Business Intelligence tools are, unavoidably, also part of the process. A Business Intelligence tool that does not understand processes, or how to be part of one, will be hard to integrate into the solution.

In an effort to create reports and analytical systems, customers often face a typical situation. The scenario may be different, but the basic need is always the same: a report is delivered or a particular situation is encountered in the data and something specific needs to happen – a decision to make, causes discovered, or a process started. In these cases, the information presentation, analysis and delivery is a part of a larger process. This process exists to solve the business problem: it is the solution. The Pentaho BI Framework is the first process-centric, solution-oriented Business Intelligence platform.

The Pentaho BI Platform includes a workflow engine to execute activities. This workflow engine uses a standard language, the XML Process Definition Language (XPDL), to execute the activities within the system. Say, you want to run a query to find out which departments are over budget, run a budget report for each of those departments, and finally, email each report to the department manager. This is defined in XPDL and executes as a business process. This is how all activities are run within the platform.
The platform understands the nature of processes because everything in it is one
The processes are defined in a standard process definition language that is externally viewable, editable, and customizable
There is no hidden business logic

The Pentaho platform is built on processes and process definitions. When you design a system with a workflow engine as the conductor and director, every activity in the system, every step of each process and every bubble in your process diagram must be implemented as a standalone, re-usable component that can be directed to execute the activity required. This is not just an SOA – this is a Service-Implemented Architecture (SIA). Every activity in every process can be a web service because all activities execute as services, and only as services. They know no other invocation. Services are the building blocks of automated business processes.

Every process and activity in the pentaho BI Platform executes as a service. You can call a process or activity defined in the platform from a process executing in another system. Every activity in the system understands how to be part of another process.

This article is compiled for the benefit of the readers from Pentaho documentation.

XPDL has built in support for complex routing control, with added support for multiple rules engines so business logic can be integrated easily into the processes. Multiple rules engines are supported and required because it is unlikely the logic for every decision in every process can be defined easily by only one rules engine. Flexible business rules are a critical part of automated business processes.

The line between business intelligence and business processes is flexible in the pentaho BI Platform. This is because the line between business intelligence and business processes is indistinct and should be up to the user. If you have a BI platform that clearly defines the boundaries between it and the other systems, you probably have an application silo that is hard to integrate the way you need it to.

The engine executing processes within the platform is a full-featured workflow engine
Pentaho includes multiple rules engines
Pentaho activities are easily integrated into other processes
The roadmap includes manual and data entry tasks by users

To deliver a solution, you need reporting and analysis tools that support the business rules, audit report execution and delivery of information, and integrate seamlessly with a workflow system. You also need a workflow/ business process engine that handles time-based escalations, audits execution of activities within the process, and integrates with reporting and analysis tools. You also need to provide real-time and historical process performance reports.

The Pentaho BI Platform is uniquely process-centric and solution-oriented. It is process-centric because it is built ground-up to be process-based. It is solution-oriented because the solution for many business problems is a process, and the platform includes all the major components required to implement process-based solutions.

About Author:

DCKAP provides end-to-end expert Pentaho services. Industry experienced Pentaho consultants. Services include data warehouse implementation, data warehouse migration and data warehouse re-engineering, open source evaluation and Pentaho implementation, Pentaho Developer, kettle, jfree report, Mondrian, carte server, scrum and XP.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rails 3.1.3 has been released

Rails 3.1.3 has been released. This release mainly contains fixes for regressions that popped up in 3.1.2.
Action Pack:
  • Downgrade sprockets to ~> 2.0.3. Using 2.1.0 caused regressions.
  • Fix using translate helper with a html translation which uses the :count option for pluralization.
    Jon Leighton
Active Record:
  • Perf fix: If we're deleting all records in an association, don't add a IN(..) clause to the query. GH 3672
    Jon Leighton
  • Fix bug with referencing other mysql databases in settablename. GH 3690
  • Fix performance bug with mysql databases on a server with lots of other databses. GH 3678
    Christos Zisopoulos and Kenny J
  • New apps should be generated with a sass-rails dependency of 3.1.5, not 3.1.5.rc.2
As ever, you can see a full list of changes on Github.

For Free consultation on Ruby on Rails Programming, Ruby on Rails Developers, Ruby on Rails Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com
 Source: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rails 3.1.2 has been released

Rails 3.1.2 has been released. This is a patch-level release containing bug fixes and an important security fix.

Possible XSS vulnerability in the translate helper method in Ruby on Rails

There is a vulnerability in the translate helper method which may allow an attacker to insert arbitrary code into a page.
  • Versions Affected: 3.0.0 and later, 2.3.X in combination with the rails_xss plugin
  • Not Affected: Pre-3.0.0 releases, without the rails_xss plugin, did no automatic XSS escaping, so are not considered vulnerable
  • Fixed Versions: 3.0.11, 3.1.2
Please see the rubyonrails-security posting and the changelog item below, for more details.

For Free consultation on Ruby on Rails Programming, Ruby on Rails Developers, Ruby on Rails Programmer visit http://www.dckap.com
 Source: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Taking WordPress to War

Eleventh day of the eleventh month of the (20)eleventh year, and in several parts of the world, it is a holiday related to war. In the U.S., where I live, it is Veterans Day, which honors military veterans. In much of Europe, today is Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, commemorating the armistice signed at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918 that ended the fighting on the Western Front in World War I.

Whether serving in the military, living in an area of unrest or attack, having friends or family in the fray, or just being human enough to think war sucks (there’s really no gentler way to say that, is there?), war impacts most people in the world today.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing. Sometimes we’re fortunate enough for that to mean providing a platform for communication that helps people work toward peace in their communities and around the world. Sometimes it means providing a platform for keeping people informed and aware of the other things that are happening around the world, including the horror of wars and revolutions.

At WordCamp San Francisco in August, one of the most popular and well-respected sessions was led by Teru Kuwayama of Basetrack.org. On this day of remembrance, I thought it would be good to share the video of his presentation. Not only is it a very cool example of how WordPress can be used in unexpected ways (this is not your father’s Oldsmobile usual blog), it’s a reminder of how much work still needs to be done to move from war to peace. So here is Taking WordPress to War: Basetrack.org. Peace out, yo.

For Free consultation on regarding Wordpress Expert, Wordpress Developer, Wordpress Development, Wordpress Programming log on to http://www.dckap.com
Source: http://wordpress.org

Friday, November 11, 2011

WordPress 3 Ultimate Security

This is a comprehensive essential guide to WordPress security written in a light style, which converts learning a really serious topic to an enjoyable read. It is packed with copy-paste solutions to security to suit all levels of security know-how. Just as WordPress is used by a broad spectrum of website owners, with varying degrees of security know-how, so WordPress 3 Ultimate Security is written to be understood by security novices and web professionals alike.

For Free consultation on regarding Wordpress Expert, Wordpress Developer, Wordpress Development, Wordpress Programming log on to http://www.dckap.com
Source: http://wordpress.org

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Available WordPress 3.3 Beta 3

Testers, Beta 3 is now available! You know the drill: use a test install, see what you can break, and report any bugs you find. There have been 200 commits since Beta 2, but at this point, betas are not adding new features — it’s all about fixing bugs, making things a little prettier, and editing text strings.

As always, plugin and theme authors, PLEASE test your code against the beta so you can catch any incompatibilities now rather than after your users update their WordPress installation and find bugs for you. This time we really mean it, especially if your plugin uses jQuery. We’ve now updated to jQuery 1.7 in core, so please please pretty please check your plugins and themes against beta 3.

These silly haikus –
With so many releases,
I run out of words.

Download WordPress 3.3 Beta 3 now.

For Free consultation on regarding Wordpress Expert, Wordpress Developer, Wordpress Development, Wordpress Programming log on to http://www.dckap.com
Source: http://wordpress.org

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ruby 1.9.3-p0 Released

The first production-ready release of Ruby 1.9.3 is finally here with patchlevel 0's release this week. I've already covered what's new on Ruby Inside (see the link below) but this is a nice step forward for MRI and worth checking out, especially if you want faster Rails loading times.

The rapid descent of the weather towards winter is getting people to stay in and code and long may it continue given the quality of this week's releases: OmniAuth 1.0, MagLev 1.0, and Ruby 1.9.3, for starters!

Source: Ruby Inside

Friday, November 4, 2011

What is Ruby 2.0 and What’s New?

Matz made a commit to the MRI Ruby repository bumping the trunk version from 1.9.4 to 2.0.0, marking the start of the work of implementing the long-discussed ideas for Ruby 2.0.

What is Ruby 2.0?

Ruby 2.0 is the next major version release of MRI Ruby, the de facto official Ruby implementation.
Ruby 1.9.3 is due out any time soon and Ruby 1.9.4 is under active development (it has moved to a separate branch now that trunk is 2.0.0). We recently learned that Ruby 2.0 would then follow Ruby 1.9.4.

Will Ruby 2.0 be a huge leap forward?

No. While 2.0 will include a number of syntax changes, new features and general improvements, mentioned below, it is anticipated to remain backward compatible with code written for 1.9.3 and Matz has stated that the changes are less significant than those made in the 1.8 to 1.9 jump.

The discussion surrounding Ruby 2.0's feature set spans back several years (mostly on the ruby-talk and ruby-core mailing lists) and 2.0 was initially expected to introduce significant syntax changes and not be backwards compatible. Things have changed with Ruby 1.9 moving into production (it was originally a development only version) and 2.0 being an evolution rather than a revolution.

Source: Ruby Inside

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Score Your Rails App's Complexity Before Refactoring

Every Rails developer must refactor their Rails code at some time. Ruby's dynamic nature makes it difficult for generic tools to understand what Ruby is doing though. Once you add Rails macros and metaprogramming into the mix you really need specialized tools when refactoring Ruby. In my last post I wrote about how to a generic tool called wc to find the complex code that needs to be refactored. wc's has many problems when checking Ruby code though:
  • it counts blank and empty lines
  • it counts lines with only comments
  • it counts only the number of lines, so each of these lines count as one even though the second is much more complex.
To overcome wc's limitations, we need to use a tool that is built specifically for evaluating the complexity of Ruby code.

Source: Ruby Inside