Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MacRuby 0.10 released by MacRuby

MacRuby announced release of MacRuby 0.10 on 23rd March 30, 2011, just a few weeks after the earlier release Mac Ruby 0.9!

There are several bug fixes, support for MacBook Pro hardware and Xcode 4 integration, which is the new version of IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to develop applications for Mac, IPhone and iPad.

Also, there are bug fixes in macruby_deploy for App Store submissions and several stability fixes.

Here are the release notes for 0.10

MacRuby 0.10 can be downloaded from this link

Note – MacRuby 0.10 works only on Intel 64-bit machines running Snow Leopard (10.6) or later.


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