Sunday, January 16, 2011

WordPress for Windows Phone 7 App

WordPress is truly going mobile. They have launched apps for Android, Blackberry and iPhone. Now the application for Windows Phone 7 is also available.
WordPress (news, site) is definitely following the mobile wave because they offer a mobile app for all the popular smartphones on the market. Android, Blackberry and iPhone have had their mobile WordPress applications for a while and now the time has come to enjoy WordPress on Windows Phone 7 as well. 

WordPress on Windows Phone 7

The release of the application for Windows Phone 7 wasn't left last deliberately. Rather, the device itself came just recently and this delayed the launch of the mobile application. The collaboration between WordPress, iSoftStone and Microsoft produced a good application where you can find many of the features you will need to blog on the go.

The first version of the application includes no video uploads but aside from that, you get almost everything else:
“It’s easy to write and edit posts and pages on the move, you can upload photos, as well as check stats and moderate comments. It’s all easily accessible from an Actions dashboard.”
If you want to see other features in next releases, the WordPress team is open to suggestions.

WordPress for Windows Phone 7, credit: 

Will WordPress Take the Enterprise By Storm With Windows Phone 7

Certainly not — first, as regretful as it is, Windows Phone 7 is not meant to be an enterprise platform, though it has the potential of one. Microsoft positions it as a consumer device and as a result of this its enterprise features are far behind those of its competitors.

Second, the popularity of Windows Phone 7 among mobile devices is very, very low. Windows Phone 7 might be a major revamp of the Windows Phone family but its current usage is even below the single digits. iPhone and Android outnumber it 100 (or more) to 1 and this will hardly change in the near future.

You might be asking why then would WordPress release an application for something as unpopular as Windows Phone 7? The shortest answer is that this application makes their mobile offering complete — WordPress is on all other major mobile platforms. In fact WordPress recently celebrated 1 million mobile users.

The launch of a mobile application for Windows Phone 7 is a strategic move — who knows, the market share of Windows Phone 7 might improve some day and it makes sense to position yourself on this market early.



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