Friday, October 28, 2011

Ruby 2.0 Release Schedule Announced on 2013!

Today, Yusuke Endoh posted to the ruby-core mailing list noting that matz has admitted him as a Ruby 2.0 "release manager" and as part of his work, he has come up with a tentative schedule for Ruby 2.0's release. You can read the full post here.

The short version of the timeline?
  • August 2012: 'Big feature' freeze. Any proposals and specs for 'major features' should be wrapped up for late August 2012 otherwise they will be deferred.
  • October 2012: Feature freeze. A more conventional feature freeze.
  • February 2013: 2.0 Release. The final version of 2.0 would, hopefully, be released.
A release in February 2013 would have historical significance by being the 20th anniversary of Ruby's creation. Note that Yusuke corrected the date to February 24, 2013 in a later posting.
Another note, confirming what Yugui had already said, is that Ruby 2.0 is to be "100% compatible" with Ruby 1.9.3.

If you want to learn more about Ruby 2.0, I recommend Ruby Inside's last post, Ruby 2.0 Implementation Work Begins: What is Ruby 2.0 and What’s New? where I summarized the anticipated new features in Ruby 2.0.

Thanks to Ruby guru Steve Klabnik for the heads up on this news. Follow him on Twitter, it's worth it.


Friday, October 21, 2011

WordPress 3.3 Beta 2

Changes since Beta 1:
  • Updated the Blue theme
  • Fixed IE7 and RTL support
  • Improved flyout menu styling and fixed several glitches
  • Finished the Pointers implementation
  • Landed the dashboard Welcome box for new installs
  • Improved contextual help styling
  • Tweaked the admin bar a little more
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs
Consult the full change log  for details, and see the Beta 1 announcement for information on how to help test Beta 2.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

The iPhone Helpers Plugin for Rails 3.x

Picking the name of a new library or plugin is stressful. You could go too informal and call your library something like authgasm (now authlogic) or too formal and call it "Dull Authentication Plugin for Enterprises 1.0." It's the geek equivalent of calling your kid Butterfly or Jane. Fair enough, but what if you just called your daughter Kid or Girl? That's the approach taken by the author of the snappily named rails-iphone-helpers.

Rails-iphone-helpers is a Rails plugin that provides helper methods to produce iPhone-specific (or iOS, more precisely) HTML.

This library solves a simple problem, but few people have the patience or interest in memorizing the underlying code to set viewpoint sizes, scaling options, iOS icons, or iOS splash image settings. With rails-iphone-helpers, it all becomes structured and simple.. what more could you want from a plugin, really?


Monday, October 17, 2011

WordPress 3.3 Beta 1

WordPress 3.3 is ready for beta testers.

As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on a production site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), please report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it.

If all goes well, we hope to release WordPress 3.3 by the end of November. The more help we get with testing and fixing bugs, the sooner we will be able to release the final version. If you want to be a beta tester, you should check out the Codex article on how to report bugs.

Here’s some of what’s new:
  • Media uploader
  • Improved admin bar
  • Fly out admin menus
Remember, if you find something you think is a bug, report it! You can bring it up in the alpha/beta forum, you can email it to the wp-testers list, or if you’ve confirmed that other people are experiencing the same bug, you can report it on the WordPress Core Trac. (We recommend starting in the forum or on the mailing list.)

Theme and plugin authors, if you haven’t been following the 3.3 development cycle, please start now so that you can update your themes and plugins to be compatible with the newest version of WordPress.

Download WordPress 3.3 Beta 1

And now, haiku.
Features almost done…
3.3 at Beta 1.
Test it now — have fun!

For Free consultation on regarding Wordpress Expert, Wordpress Developer, Wordpress Development, Wordpress Programming log on to

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Ruby on Rails API Switches to SDoc

The Ruby on Rails API is switching to SDoc starting with 3.1.
SDoc is a RDoc format created by Володя Колесников (@voloko) that has been powering for a long time.
Among other things, SDoc provides a search box with fuzzy match completion, tree browsing, keyboard navigation, and a really nice template.
You can already see the upgrade in the edge API.

We'd like to thank very much Володя for his work updating SDoc for the official API. Thanks man!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Rails 3.1.1 has been released!

Hi everyone,
Rails 3.1.1 has been released. This release requires at least sass-rails 3.1.4


  • No changes
  • stylesheetlinktag('/stylesheets/application') and similar helpers doesn't throw Sprockets::FileOutsidePaths exception anymore [Santiago Pastorino]
  • Ensure defaultassethost_protocol is respected, closes #2980. [José Valim]
    Changing rake db:schema:dump to run :environment as well as :load_config, as running :load_config alone will lead to the dumper being run without including extensions such as those included in foreigner and spatial_adapter.
    This reverses a change made here:

For more info